Susan Van Vleet Consultants Inc.® has an unparalleled track record of getting results from their workshops.
In over 34 years, Susan Van Vleet Consultants, Inc.® has developed a wide range of expertise in areas that organizations like HP, P & G, and J & J have found timely and valuable.
These areas of expertise include Change Management, Women’s Issues, Gender Diversity, Guest & Customer Relations, Communications, Conflict Resolution, Retention, Creativity, Producing Results, and the Integration of Work and Family Life.
Susan Van Vleet Consultants, Inc.® have worked successfully with some of the largest multinational companies in the world as well as small to medium sized organizations.
There are two ways clients choose to use our workshops:
1. Periodically during the year we hold public sessions of a select group of workshops. Companies send individuals and small groups to these programs. We call these our “Community Based Workshops”.
2. A company can bring any of our workshops on site for the employees of that company only. We call these workshops our “In House Workshops”.