Advanced Men’s Course©

The Advanced Men’s Course© has produced powerful results for the participants in its first five years. Though the content will be new, the purpose remains the same, to offer men a forum to address the most challenging issues facing men today. This course is unusual in that it is designed as an on-going conversation over the 5 years of its existence. Each year builds off of the previous years. Consequently new attendees start the course one day earlier to “catch up”.

We will continue to develop the foundation issues of the course:
-Resolving betrayals as a leader, integrating successes into our self-esteem, having successful relationships with powerful women, knowing and living out of purpose.

This year’s theme will be responsibility. Many of us have been handed a definition of “responsibility” riddled with guilt and burden. We are often taught to be overly responsible so that we are constantly exhausted have no end to our day. We will look at a functional definition of responsibility that makes life clearer and maintains our ethics.

The course is taught in a retreat setting in the mountains of Colorado. Physical health will be highlighted as well; including work on nutrition and core strengthening. The course will provide an alternative to the “locker room” male relationships that most of us experience that are competitive with little or no support or substance.

The approach of this course will require participants to introspective, analyze their beliefs and definition of work, success and themselves. The course will be predictably uncomfortable, emotionally upsetting, disorienting and very rewarding. Participants unwilling to experience the above, to produce the results of the course, should not attend.

-Participation in at least one SVVC® course.
-An understanding that your results in the world are directly correlated to your physical health, mental health and personal development.
-A commitment to introspection and self-expression on difficult emotional topics not usually discussed with a group of men.
-Participants need to be willing to do extensive homework prior to the session.
-Participants will be expected to minimize interruptions and “emergencies” from their organizations so as to not effect the workshop negatively.